A short Explanation

Okay so my friend Elias and I (Kapule) have both been caught doing the same thing.. What is that you may ask? Well, lets just say that the both of us have spent minutes to hours on the internet and on youtube looking for answers to our questions about health and fitness. Sometimes we were successful and sometimes we weren't, so we had an idea to create a blog that can help people instead of being lost and wasting time. We both hope that this blog helps you and if you have any special request for us please comment and give a few sentences about what your request is. Enjoy
-Fitness Gurus

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Watch this please.

Watch and listen to what he has to say. I watch some of the same videos by him every morning to get ready and hyped for my day. What gets you motivated? What gets you hyped.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

When's the best time to work out?

I was talking to a friend of mine and we were talking about the best time to workout. I usually workout in the afternoon around like 3-6 and then I go home take a protein shake and eat a nice meal. He wakes up at about 530 or so and goes to the gym. I asked him why and he said well working out in the morning wakes me up and gets me ready for the day. Then because he works out in the morning he gets it over with first and then he feeds his body all the protein and nutrients it needs to refuel the body.